Greetings farm friends! This week, our regular CSA members will receive tomatoes, potatoes, green pepper, basil, zucchini, salad mix, and onions. Our family CSA members will also receive dinosaur kale, beets, and tromboncino squash.
Summer is in full swing and there are lots of great, healthy veggies and herbs for sale on our farm store. Tons of tomatoes are turning on the vine too; while we don’t have extra beyond our CSA this week, we will have an abundance shortly! There are lots of green beans, beets, and zucchini, as well as some new herb additions. FREE delivery with $10+ order in KCMO/KCK. We will also be selling at the Lee’s Summit market on Wednesday mornings and will open our farm stand on Friday evenings from 5PM-8PM. Thanks for your support of Bread and Roses Farm!