Greetings farm friends! This week, our regular CSA members will receive green beans, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, kale, and a small cabbage. Family CSA members will also receive eggplant, onions, and green peppers.
We have lots of exciting news to share this week! First, we are SO glad it rained; the crops, farmers, and water bill are all appreciative! Second, we are starting to offer a limited amount of seasonal flower arrangements on our website as well! Finally, we have lowered the price of our eggs to $4 per dozen since the chickens are laying like crazy! We hope to keep this price up until the winter, when they naturally slow down (just like us!).
There are lots of exciting veggies available on our store this week, including some cherry tomatoes, peas, beets, greens, and more. Our usual caveats apply (free delivery in KCMO/KCK with $10 order; no minimum for CSA customers adding on). Stay cool!!